Meteora monasteries - "monastic country" between heaven and earth


In the north of Greece, near the towns of Kastraki and Kalambaka, in the amazingly shaped mountains of Thessaly, there is a mountainous "monastic country" - Saint Meteora. This is a special place where the grace of God and the greatness of the ascetic spirit incomprehensibly harmonize with the beauty of natural creation.


Short description

All 6 active Orthodox monasteries of Meteora are located on the tops of the rocksfrozen between heaven and earth. The stone giants, reaching 600 meters in height, represent a unique geological phenomenon. Finding themselves among the bizarre sheer pillars with caves and wooded peaks resembling giant stalagmites or huge stone fingers, every traveler asks the question: how could nature have done this?

From left to right: Varlaam Monastery, Rusanu Monastery

And the answer of scientists is this: the rocks of Meteora were formed on the site of a dry river valley. About 60 million years ago, a deep, turbulent river flowed here, flowing into a prehistoric sea.

Under the influence of geological shifts 30 million years ago, the river waters left, exposing the Thessalian plain and the rocks of the river delta. Water and wind erosion completed the creation of massive stone statues called Meteora, which means "hanging in the air" in Greek.

View of the rocks on which the monasteries are located

History of the "monastic kingdom" of Meteora

The history of the "monastic country" Meteora begins in the 10th century, when hermits settled in caves and rocky depressions. In 950-970. a certain Barnabas founded here the oldest skete of the Holy Spirit. The flow of ascetics to these lands increased in the XIV century, when Thessaly was subjected to frequent attacks by the Turks, who completely conquered it by 1393. Fleeing from the Ottomans, hermits from scattered Greek communities fled to Meteora.

They were joined by two monks from the monastery on Holy Mount Athos - Elder Gregory and the Monk Athanasius of Meteor. Athanasius set himself the goal of turning Meteora into an organized "monastic state" in the likeness of the Athos monastery.

Monastery Rusanu or Saint Barbara

Together with 14 monks, he climbed the huge rock Platis Litos with a height of 613 meters and built the first "floating in the air" monastery - Big Meteor. In the 15th-16th centuries, during its heyday, the "monastic state" consisted of 24 monasteries, each of which had sketes, churches, refectories, cellars, reservoirs for collecting rainwater, ossicles - urns for the burial of remains. And some monasteries also had libraries with a rich collection of handwritten and printed books. Today only 6 monasteries function.

Operating monasteries of Meteora

Big Meteor or the Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord is the oldest of the Meteora complexes... Post-Byzantine buildings, medieval frescoes and valuable icons of the XIV-XVI centuries create a complete picture of the life of the ancient monastic monastery.

In Bolshoi Meteora, a museum of monastic relics is opened, which houses the oldest manuscript in Greece, dating back to 861. The Varlaam Monastery got its name from the name of the hermit Varlaam, who built a small church here in 1350. He lived on a rock in complete seclusion until the end of his days. After the death of Barlaam, no one got here for almost two hundred years.

In 1518, the brothers Nektarios and Theophanes Apsara climbed to the top, restored the old temple of Barlaam and erected a new one - the Cathedral of All Saints. It is notable for ancient frescoes, ivory and mother-of-pearl mosaics and post-Byzantine icons. The monastery of St. Nicholas Anapavsas is supposedly founded in the XII-XIII centuries. Due to the small area of ​​the rock, its churches, hermitages, crypt and refectory are located on several levels, which creates the illusion of a labyrinth. The main pride of the monastery is the frescoes of the outstanding icon painter Theophanes of Crete, which adorn the walls of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas.

Transfiguration monastery

The Monastery of the Holy Trinity (15th century) is known for its stunning views. It rises on a 400-meter cliff overgrown with forest, at the foot of which the Piños River flows, surrounded by the peaks of the Pindos ridge. A staircase of 140 steps is carved into the rock, leading up past the small church of St. John the Baptist.

Operating convents of Meteor

The exact date of the foundation of the Rusan monastery is unknown. Its interior is decorated with wall paintings of the Cretan school (16th century) and a carved wooden iconostasis with gilding. The monastery of St. Stephen (XIV century) is crowned with a huge rock overhanging the city of Kalambaka.

St. Stephen's Monastery

This is the richest of the Meteor monasteries, today it serves as an educational center: a museum of monastic treasures is opened in the former refectory, and exhibitions, concerts of church music are held in the back rooms, and lectures on iconography are given.

Visiting the monasteries of Meteora

Until 1920, it was possible to get to the monasteries by climbing long stairs or climbing a rope - the guest sat in a wicker rope net, and the monks dragged him to the top of the cliff.

Monastery of St. Nicholas Anapavsas

“At least a few times in my life I want to feel like a bird, trembling in a net that is dragged to heights of 30-40 fathoms, and during the ascent to pray to the Holy Strong”, - this is how Archimandrite Porfiry Uspensky, who visited the meteor abodes in 1859, described his impressions ... Today, a good asphalt road has been laid to Meteora, and visiting them is not fraught with risks and is available not only for believers, but also for tourists. In summer, a bus runs from Kalambaka to the foot of the mountain.

When planning a visit to Meteora, you need to choose clothes that meet strict church regulations - no shorts, mini-skirts, etc. Clothes should cover your hands to the wrists and legs to the ankles; women put a headscarf on their heads.

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Meteora monasteries map

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